


that for legislative purposes generally; the people should be represented by deputies。 The

so…called Representative Constitution is that form of government with which we connect the idea

of a free constitution; and this notion has bee a rooted prejudice。 On this theory People and

Government are separated。 But there is a perversity in this antithesis; an ill…intentioned ruse

designed to insinuate that the People are the totality of the State。 Besides; the basis of this view is

the principle of isolated individuality … the absolute validity of the subjective will … a dogma which

we have already investigated。 The great point is; that Freedom in its Ideal conception has not

subjective will and caprice for its principle; but the recognition of the universal will; and that the

process by which Freedom is realised is the free development of its successive stages。 The

subjective will is a merely formal determination … a carte blanche … not including what it is that is

willed。 Only the rational will is that universal principle which independently determines and

unfolds its own being; and develops its successive elemental phases as organic members。 Of this

Gothic…cathedral architecture the ancients knew nothing。

§ 50

At an earlier stage of the discussion; we established the two elemental considerations: first; the

idea of freedom as the absolute and final aim; secondly; the means for realising it; i。e。 the

subjective side of knowledge and will; with its life; movement; and activity。 We then recognised

the State as the moral Whole and the Reality of Freedom; and consequently as the objective unity

of these two elements。 For although we make this distinction into two aspects for our

consideration; it must be remarked that they are intimately connected; and that their connection is

involved in the idea of each when examined separately。 We have; on the one hand; recognised the

Idea in the definite form of Freedom conscious of and willing itself; … having itself alone as its

object: involving at the same time; the pure and simple Idea of Reason; and likewise; that which

we have called subject … self…consciousness … Spirit actually existing in the World。 If; on the other

hand; we consider Subjectivity; we find that subjective knowledge and will is Thought。 But by the

very act of thoughtful cognition and volition; I will the universal object … the substance of absolute

Reason。 We observe; therefore; an essential union between the objective side … the Idea; … and the

subjective side … the personality that conceives and wills it。 … The objective existence of this union

is the State; which is therefore the basis and centre of the other concrete elements of the life of a

people; … of Art; of Law; of Morals; of Religion; of Science。 All the activity of Spirit has only this

object … the being conscious of this union; i。e。; of its own Freedom。 Among the forms of this









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